29th March Traditional Afternoon Teas 3.30 - 5.30 pm
£18 per head. A glass of prosecco £3 extra. Under 12 £8
Ring 0121 291 0401 to book
Monday 21st April Open Church 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
3rd - 5th May Yardley Society of Artists Exhibition
14th & 15th June Edburgha the Reluctant Saint
6th September 12.00 noon Beer Festival
20th & 21st September Heritage weekend
29th November Christmas Quiz
Slimming World 7.30 am 9.00 am, 3.30 pm, and 5.30 pm Contact Jacqui on 07814675180. Ring for appointments
Stay and Play Group 9.45 - 11. 30 am. Please ring 0121 291 0401 for more information
Steps Dance Academy 5.00 pm Ballet, Tap, and Jazz dance for all ages and abilities. To book a place and for more details ring 0121 743 8241 or 07917 447 143
Forward Club 11.30 am Contact 0121 679 6981
Yardley Photographic Society 7.00 pm
Pilates 12.15 pm Contact 07871 510 243
Steps Dance Academy 5.45 pm Ballet, Tap, and Jazz dance for all ages and abilities. To book a place and for more details ring 0121 743 8241 or 0791 744 7143
Halls available for hire £25 per hour. Please ring 0121 291 0401
Mens Club 7.30 pm
Bible Study 2.30 pm fortnightly 5th and 19th March Call 0121 707 4677 for more information
Yardley Conservation Society . Second Thursday of the month. 13th March "The Rose - Past, Present and Future, a talk by Liam Beddall of David Austin roses.. Please note this meeting will be in the Church. Phone 0121 783 7624 for more information.
Place of Welcome: from 9.30 - 11.30 am in the Trust School
·Friendship and hospitality
· Free refreshments
· Support and signposting for further advice
Contact Sylvia Roberts: 07771 655789
261st BEAVER SCOUT COLONY meet on Tuesday 5.45 to 6.45 pm
261st CUB SCOUT PACK meet on Tuesdays 7.15 to- 8.15 pm
261st SCOUT TROOP meet on Thursdays 7.00 to 8.30 pm
For all enquiries phone Donna Smith 07391 426345
BELL RINGERS Practice Wednesday 8.00 pm - Simon Adams 0121 786 1242
CHOIR PRACTICE Thursday 7.00 pm - Simon Williams 07809 550236